Evincive | Our Team
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David O’Connor,
Co-Founder and Director

David has been in sales for over 15 years within stand-alone new business and senior leadership roles across business information, data, advisory services and software. Having worked for Reed Business Information, Monster, Corporate Executive Board, Incisive Media and King Worldwide IR, David has a wealth of experience and insight and has worked and managed sales teams across Europe, the U.S, Asia, Russia and CIS.


Marina Glushkova,
Co-Founder and Director

Marina is a serial entrepreneur and has over 10 years’ experience within senior leadership roles within venture capital, corporate communications and investor relations across Russia, CIS and the U.S. Marina was responsible for the marketing and communications division of the ROLF Group, one of the biggest automotive groups in Russia with more than $7 billion turnover and also managed her own venture raising more than $4 million financing from global investors.
